FTP Database Restore
It would be nice if I could FTP a .bak file to my webroot or /data/ folder and do a restore on the database from that location.
FTP is better at session management for large transfers than HTTP is and this will avoid customer timeout issues restoring databases.

Please see my latest note. Will be declined in 30 days if no responses.
This is not planned at this time since restoring a database via the control panel is much easier and faster. To do this via FTP would require to login to your control panel, get your FTP credentials, upload your file, go back to your control panel and select the file for restore. This may be applicable to multiple GB databases but with home internet speeds well over 100mbps on average and only getting faster I don't think this really warrants the development time. I would like to see some more comments as to why customers want this feature as the control panel interface works just fine.
Anonymous commented
MyLittleBackup would be a good addition. It was available in V2 but not in my.gearhost.com.